The impact of Title 8 on Mexico's migration policy


  • Fabricio Espinosa Ortiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México



Immigration policies, Human rights, Migrants, Integration


In Mexico, migration policies are structured around two primary aspects: one that is restrictive, focusing on the regulation and control of migratory flows, and another that is centered on human rights, emphasizing the integration of migrants into the receiving society. In practice, these policies often manifest as punitive and restrictive leading to frequent violations of migrants' human rights. This discussion examines the influence of Title 8 on Mexico's migration policies. Title 8, a U.S. policy, allows the Department of Homeland Security to enforce strict criminal penalties on migrants who attempt to cross the border illegally. As a result of these stringent measures, many migrants end up remaining in Mexico indefinitely, often in substandard conditions. The text concludes by emphasizing the importance of creating a bilateral agenda that respects human rights and promotes safe, orderly, and regulated migration, while prioritizing the dignity and well-being of migrants.


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Author Biography

Fabricio Espinosa Ortiz , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México

Doctor en Geografía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y Especialista en Migración Internacional por el Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF). Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel 1. Investigador por México adscrito al Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial A.C. (CentroGeo). 


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How to Cite

Espinosa Ortiz , F. (2025). The impact of Title 8 on Mexico’s migration policy. Revista Integración Y Cooperación Internacional, (40), 83–90.


