The intergovernmental structure of UNASUR and its influence on the participation of civil society in the organization: The case of participation of Anti-FTAA social movements from 2008-2014


  • Anthony Enríquez Palacios Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Ecuador



South American regionalism, social participation, social movements, intergovernmentalism


Social participation within regional integration spaces is a central factor in the consolidation of organizations. The participation of civil society makes it possible to legitimize institutions and transform the public space, connecting decision-makers to the citizenry. Despite its importance, regional participation does not occupy a central position in the discussions and analysis of South American regionalism. Adequate and relevant social participation does not only depend on the internal capacities of social movements or groups. The structure in which they develop also influences their actions. The institutional framework of regional organizations can create a structure of opportunities that allows their actions or a structure that weakens their actions. To analyze how the structure influences the participation of social movements in regional integration organizations, the case of UNASUR and the participation of anti-CAFTA social movements were taken. Through these two actors it will be possible to understand the relationship between the intergovernmental structure of regional organizations and social participation within them. Through the theoretical approach of classical intergovernmentalism and the concept of opportunity structure, the different dynamics and meanings that encompass the relationship between structure and participation will be analyzed. The paper concludes that the intergovernmental structure generates dynamics of state centrality and hierarchy of actors that close spaces for participation and anchor decision-making exclusively to the executive.


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Author Biography

Anthony Enríquez Palacios, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Ecuador

Master en Relaciones Internacionales con mención en Economía Política Regional y Global Flacso-Ecuador 2023.


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How to Cite

Palacios, A. E. . (2024). The intergovernmental structure of UNASUR and its influence on the participation of civil society in the organization: The case of participation of Anti-FTAA social movements from 2008-2014. Revista Integración Y Cooperación Internacional, (38), 38–50.


