Geopolitics of Risk. Adaptation as an Opportunity Agenda for Subnational Climate Cooperation




Geopolitic, environmental risks, climate change, climate international cooperation, climate adaptation


In the 21st century, climate change has largely reversed the causal logic of reasoning about man-nature relationships and their geographies. Human beings are shaping nature on a global scale, and not the other way around, thus decreasing the security of livelihoods, such as natural resources and the provision of ecosystem services for human well-being. However, the climate crisis and climate change are not yet risk and uncertainty factors in International Relations (IR), nor in the field of geopolitics itself. In fact, localization adaptation measures to climate change as one of the strategies to face the risk and vulnerability of the populations are scarcely contemplated. Therefore, the Geopolitics of Risk appears as an appropriate framework to promote new Subnational Climate Cooperation schemes, through problematic and risk missions that guide adaptive positions to integrate the resilience of populations to climate change and, at the same time, promote competitiveness and innovation with triple impact on the territory.


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Author Biography

María Elisa Brussa

Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). Especialista en gestión
ambiental (UCEL). Profesora en Antropología. (UNR). 


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How to Cite

Brussa, M. E. . (2023). Geopolitics of Risk. Adaptation as an Opportunity Agenda for Subnational Climate Cooperation. Revista Integración Y Cooperación Internacional, (37), 68–81.


