Economic and traderelationsbetweenMorocco and Argentina (2007-2021): State of play and prospects for cooperation
Morocco, Argentina, bilateralism, cooperation, tradeAbstract
This article analyzes bilateral relations between Morocco and Argentina from 2007 to 2021, in the economic and commercial sphere. It also reviews the state of affairs and the prospects for cooperation, the establishment of the balance sheet and the evaluation of this situation. For the research methodology, a qualitative approach was applied based on the review of documents produced by public bodies. Their search was then based on a review of primary sources such as quantitative data analysis, research reports and electronic press documents. The results of Morocco's and Argentina's trade and economic exchanges reflect a real but paradoxical stagnation compared to the two countries' centuries-old political-diplomatic relations, which have lasted for more than a half-century. Therefore, a structural change of new future visions must be imposed to promote bilateral economic growth and optimize the potential offered by each party to the other through public or private channels, involving internationally implemented theories and methods and including incentives for restructuring their mutual markets.
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